Strange New Worlds Season 2 Theory: Where’s Pike Going?

Spoiler Warning: There are spoilers ahead for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Seasons 1 and 2. Spoilers are also present for the following Star Trek productions: The Original Series, Discovery, The Next Generation, and Enterprise.

Strange New Worlds Season 2 is off to a good start! The show returned to our screens this week with The Broken Circle – but the episode was noteworthy for the disappearance of one Captain Christopher Pike. As I said in my review of the episode, for the season to begin without him was a particularly bold move for what we once called “the Captain Pike show!”

Captain Pike set off on a journey of his own to help Una Chin-Riley – a.k.a. Number One. Una was arrested at the very end of Season 1, with her Illyrian heritage and genetically-modified background having somehow been exposed to Starfleet. As we know from earlier iterations of the franchise, genetic engineering is banned in the Federation, and lying on one’s Starfleet application – especially about race or species – can be grounds for expulsion.

Una is in a spot of bother…

But how does Pike plan to help Una? And for our purposes today: where might he be headed? It’s possible we’ll learn more about this before the episode airs – if photos are released that show Pike on a particular planet, for instance. But at time of writing all we know is that Pike has departed for destinations unknown – somewhere away from Earth on “the far side of the quadrant,” at least three days’ travel by shuttlecraft. He’s seeking out a mysterious, unnamed, female ally. And you’d better believe that I have a few ideas about where Pike could be going!

As always, some important caveats! First of all, I have no “insider information,” and I’m not trying to pretend that anything discussed below can, will, or must be part of Strange New Worlds. This is theory-crafting and speculation from a fan, and nothing more. Secondly, this is the entirely subjective opinion of one person, so if you hate all of my ideas, or if I don’t include your pet theory, that’s okay! There’s plenty of room in the Star Trek fan community for different ideas and points of view.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s jump into the list.

Destination #1:
Talos IV

Two Talosians as seen in Discovery.

Could Pike be about to violate Starfleet’s General Order 7 by returning to Talos IV? Discovery’s second season gave us an updated look at Talos and the Talosians, and it’s possible that Pike may seek out their help and advice in order to save Una. The Talosians are incredibly powerful – hence the regulation banning all contact with their world – and may be able to use their illusory powers to aid Una, to convince the panel at her court-martial to rule in her favour, or even to help her escape. Talos IV could even become a shelter or home for Una.

Pike has a connection with the Talosians following the events of The Cage and Discovery’s second season, and he’s uniquely-placed to work with the Talosians. It could even be possible that Una will be forced out of Starfleet and will seek a new home on Talos IV, potentially being there to welcome Pike after his accident. Such a storyline could pave the way for Una’s departure from the show – and for Spock to step up and assume the role of First Officer.

Destination #2:

An older T’Pol from an alternate timeline.

Who could Pike be looking for on Vulcan? Who might be able to help Una get around Starfleet rules and regulations? How about an aged T’Pol, the first Vulcan to work alongside humans in space? I really love the idea of Strange New Worlds bringing an Enterprise character into one of its stories, and as a long-lived Vulcan T’Pol has always stood out as the most logical choice. This could be a fun way to tie together two parts of the Star Trek franchise.

It would be a blast to learn more about T’Pol’s life after the events of Enterprise and the founding of the Federation. Did she continue her scientific work? Perhaps she took on a different role as a kind of ambassador. She could be held in high esteem as a respected elder statesperson, and her intervention on Una’s behalf could be the deciding factor in Una being able to remain in Starfleet. T’Pol also has experience with the Illyrians.

Destination #3:
Vulcan (again)

A shuttlecraft touches down on Vulcan.

Season 1 reintroduced T’Pring, Spock’s betrothed. T’Pring worked with Vulcans whose emotions led them to commit criminal acts, and part of her role involved chasing down escapees and fugitives. As someone with experience in a somewhat relevant field, perhaps T’Pring might have some insight into Una’s case that Captain Pike believes could be useful.

This would be a different way to bring T’Pring back into the story. Rather than working closely with Spock, she could be assigned to Una’s case, working with her and Captain Pike. She and Captain Pike know one another at least a little, so it’s at least possible that he might value her judgement and believe that she could be of assistance.

Destination #4:
Rigel VII

Rigel VII (or an illusion of it) as it appeared in The Cage.

We caught glimpses in one of the Strange New Worlds Season 2 trailers of a planet that looked suspiciously like Rigel VII. It’s primarily for that reason that I’m including it on this list! But it’s possible that Pike may have met someone on Rigel VII who he believes is capable of helping Una – maybe a human settler or colonist rather than one of the planet’s aggressive Kalar warriors!

We don’t know a great deal about Rigel VII, nor what Pike was doing there prior to the events of The Cage. But with a return to the world potentially on the cards this season, it would be a mistake to rule it out at this stage.

Destination #5:
Starbase 11

Starbase 11.

There’s someone at Starbase 11 who could potentially fit the bill for being someone capable of defending Una: Areel Shaw. In The Original Series first season episode Court Martial, Shaw was the prosecutor who handled Kirk’s case. As a woman, and someone involved in Starfleet’s legal division, Shaw could be the person Pike is looking for.

This could also be the way Kirk is introduced. We know Kirk will appear this season, and we know from The Original Series that Kirk and Shaw were romantically involved a few years prior to the events of Court Martial. Perhaps Kirk will prove instrumental in setting up Pike’s meeting with Shaw – or will contribute, somehow, to Una’s defence.

Destination #6:
Illyria (or the Illyrian homeworld)

A 22nd Century Illyrian starship.

Una’s status as an Illyrian is what landed her in trouble in the first place. The Federation’s ban on genetic engineering also indirectly caused an entire colony of Illyrians to be wiped out, as the colonists wanted to purge themselves of their genetic engineering in order to apply for Federation membership. How will the Illyrians view this rather bigoted perception of their culture? Could an Illyrian be the key to Una’s defence?

I like the idea of Pike visiting Una’s homeworld and potentially meeting members of her family. We could learn why Una sought to join Starfleet and pose as a human instead of going into space on an Illyrian vessel, perhaps. Or there could be consequences for Captain Archer’s actions in Enterprise. And such a story could be an interesting analogy for how we view and interact with different cultures with different values out here in the real world.

Destination #7:
The USS Cayuga

Alright, that’s not the USS Cayuga – but it’s the same class of starship!

The USS Cayuga is under the command of Captain Batel – the person who arrested Una. At the beginning of Season 1, she and Captain Pike appeared to be in a relationship of some kind, though she was soon ordered away to the Neutral Zone to begin her mission. Although Captain Batel was the one who ordered Una’s arrest, she did so reluctantly while following orders, and may be sympathetic to her cause.

It’s possible that Captain Pike will visit the USS Cayuga to enlist Captain Batel’s support for Una’s defence. We don’t know a lot about Captain Batel – perhaps she was once a lawyer or legal expert before being given her own command. It would be fun, in some ways, if the person responsible for Una’s arrest could also prove key to her defence!

Destination #8:
Somewhere entirely new!

Where could it be?

I find myself saying this often on theory lists like these, but modern Star Trek has often wanted to chart its own path instead of relying on what came before. Whether we’re talking about characters, ships, storylines, or destinations as in this case, “something brand-new” is always a very likely contender!

Although we’ve had a bit of fun speculating about Pike’s possible destination, the truth is that it wasn’t something that The Broken Circle really set up as being a huge mystery. He could have mentioned the name of the person he wants to visit, or said his destination out loud – but it wasn’t strictly necessary for the story of the episode, and The Broken Circle didn’t really linger over this point for very long at all. In short, what I’m saying is that all of this theory-crafting and speculation could amount to nothing!

So that’s it!

Captain Pike.

We’ve looked at a few possible destinations for Captain Pike, and considered a few people he might be intending to seek out.

If I had to pick a favourite – a fantasy, really – I’d pick T’Pol. I just love the idea of bringing someone from Enterprise into Strange New Worlds, giving someone from that show an epilogue and catching up with them and their life years after we last saw them. Is it the most likely possibility? Well, no. And there are several reasons why. But as a pure fantasy idea, I think it could be brilliant.

Which option is the most likely is an awkward question on theory lists like these! But I guess I’d say that Captain Pike going to a brand-new location, or at least seeking out someone we’ve never met before, feels like the most likely course of action.

Details of Una’s case on a padd.

Regardless, I hope this was a bit of fun. It’s possible that a teaser or photos from the upcoming episode may reveal what’s going on with Captain Pike before we see it – but it’s also possible that this minor mystery will be kept under wraps until Thursday. I guess we’ll find out! Given that Pike is the captain of the Enterprise and Strange New Worlds’ main character, his absence this week was notable, and the fact that his destination was left unexplained prompted this bit of theory-crafting.

As a final note: I always like to end these theory posts by saying that I do this just for fun. I enjoy writing, I enjoy Star Trek, and spending more time in this world is an escape and an enjoyable distraction for me. But for some folks, fan theories can become frustrating or unenjoyable, especially if they get very attached to a plausible-sounding theory that ultimately doesn’t pan out. I have no “insider information” and I’m not trying to claim that anything suggested above can, will, or must be part of Strange New Worlds Season 2. I fully expect the season to go in wildly unpredictable directions!

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Seasons 1-2 are available to stream now on Paramount Plus in countries and territories where the service is available. The Star Trek franchise – including Strange New Worlds – is the copyright of Paramount Global. This article contains the thoughts and opinions of one person only and is not intended to cause any offence.