Video Game Spotlights

I don’t always get around to reviewing video games in a timely manner! There are also a huge number of games that I’ve enjoyed and adored over the years – titles that were published as far back as the ’80s and ’90s. Because Trekking with Dennis has only been online since 2019, there are loads of games that I didn’t get to review when they were new. That’s where my Video Game Spotlight series comes in!

In this occasional series, I’m taking a look at games from years gone by that I enjoyed at the time – or, in some cases, came to long after they were released. Because I couldn’t review them when they were new, I’ll shine a belated spotlight on them instead. These are games that I liked and that I want to draw your attention to – so you can expect high praise, plenty of nice compliments, and a nostalgia overload in some cases!

There’s no schedule to this series, though I will occasionally highlight games that are celebrating a milestone anniversary. There are also basically no rules on which games may or may not be included – as long as I liked them and they’re not brand-new, they’re able to be highlighted here. So I hope you’ll check back from time to time to see which games from the distant and not-so-distant past that I’ve shone a spotlight on.